When Rejection Emails Become Your Secret Weapon: a deep dive into Docplanner's story

When Rejection Emails Become Your Secret Weapon: a deep dive into Docplanner's story

Let's face it: in the world of tech recruitment, rejection emails are about as popular as a JavaScript error in production code. But what if I told you that Docplanner has turned these dreaded messages into their secret sauce for success? Buckle up, we're about to dive into a recruitment story that's spicier than your average algorithm.

The Problem: Too Many Goodbyes, Not Enough Hellos

Picture this: You're a tech recruiter at Docplanner. You've got a lot of open roles and for every perfect candidate, you've got a pile of "almost-but-not-quite" applicants. What do you do? If you're like most companies, you send out a generic "thanks, but no thanks" email and call it a day. But Docplanner? They decided to flip the script.

Feedback So Good, Rejected Candidates Come Back for More

Here's where things get interesting. Docplanner didn't just change their rejection emails; they turned them into a superpower. How? Two words: Circular referrals.

  1. Feedback that doesn't suck: Instead of the usual "we'll keep your resume on file" (aka the equivalent of "it's not you, it's me"), Docplanner gives detailed, constructive feedback. We're talking specifics here. None of that "you're just not senior enough" nonsense.
  2. The Circular twist: Here's the kicker – they added Circular referral links to their rejection emails. It's like saying, "Sorry, not this time, but here's a golden ticket to other awesome opportunities." Talk about turning lemons into lemonade.

The Results: Rejected Today, Recruited Tomorrow

  1. Candidates come back: Get this – people who were rejected years ago are sliding back into Docplanner's DMs (professionally, of course). Why? Because they remembered the top-notch treatment they got, even when they didn't land the gig.
  2. The abundant mindset: By using Circular, DocPlanner's not just hoarding talent like a dragon with a pile of gold. They're spreading the love across the tech community. It's recruitment karma, and it's paying off big time.

The Secret Ingredient: Give a Damn

Docplanner's success isn't just about fancy tools or clever emails. It's about giving a damn about every candidate, whether they're a perfect fit or not. They've realized that today's reject could be tomorrow's hire, and they're playing the long game.

What's in it for You?

Think about it – how many times have you passed on a candidate, only to wish you could reach out to them months later for a different role? With this approach, you're not burning bridges; you're building a network of pre-vetted, already-impressed candidates.

The TL;DR (Too Long; Didn't Recruit)

  • Give feedback that doesn't suck
  • Use Circular to offer alternatives
  • Think long-term relationships, not just quick hires
  • Watch your employer brand soar
  • Enjoy the boomerang effect of impressed candidates

Ready to turn your rejection emails into a recruitment powerhouse? It's time to take a page out of DocPlanner's book and start seeing every interaction as an opportunity to build your future dream team.

Remember, in the world of tech recruitment, it's not just about who you hire today – it's about who might be perfect for tomorrow. So, are you ready to revolutionize your recruitment game, or are you still stuck in the "thank you for your application" stone age?