How Do Salaries Compare for Tech Recruiters in Spain, France and the UK?

How Do Salaries Compare for Tech Recruiters in Spain, France and the UK? The demand to fill technical positions has increased in the last decade and with it, so has come the demand for Tech recruiters.

How Do Salaries Compare for Tech Recruiters in Spain, France and the UK?
Photo by Nick Seagrave / Unsplash

The demand to fill technical positions has increased in the last decade and with it, so has come the demand for Tech recruiters.

This increase in hiring for tech roles can be attributed to the fact that almost every company is going through a digital transformation today and looking for talented people to fill technical positions, from artificial intelligence engineers (AI) to cloud computing, and inevitably blockchain technology.

Identifying, attracting, hiring and retaining the right talent has become key to a company's success.

How are we Defining a Tech or IT recruiter?

We define a tech recruiter as an employee hired by a particular company to find and fill technical and IT positions within the company.

We are taking into account both recruiters focused exclusively on filling IT and Technical roles and those whose responsibilities also include hiring for Tech and IT  roles.

IT and Tech Recruiters' Salaries in Spain, France and the UK

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How Do Salaries Compare for Tech Recruiters across the three countries?

Tech Recruiter Salaries in Spain

The average salary for tech recruiters in Spain is 27.000€ with the ranges oscillating between 17.000€  - 42.000€ per year.

Differences can be seen between Madrid and Barcelona.

Madrid sees ranges of 25.000€ -47.000€ and an average salary of 31.925 €.  

Barcelona ranges and the average are lower, seeing an average of 23.659€ and ranges of 19.000€ -38.000€.

Tech Recruiter Salaries in the United Kingdom

While looking at salary ranges in the UK we've had to focus on London, being a recent Circular market.

As expected we are seeing higher ranges, but surprisingly variable depending on the sector, with current ranges seen between 25.000GBP  - 69.000GBP and an average salary of 41.086 GBP.

Tech Recruiter Salaries in France

We leave France for last as the last market Circular has opened in and focus in Paris where we are seeing an average salary of  37.737 € and ranges of 26.000€  - 61.000€ per year.

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