How do Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs) work In the UK?

How do Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs) work In the UK?

Start-ups are by definition cash-strapped, especially in the early stages.

Equity incentives have emerged as a powerful tool for compensating employees and attracting top talent without jeopardizing a company's cash flow.

This Workshop, led by Alice Jenkinson, Associate, and Emma Perez, Senior Associate and Chartered Tax Advisor at Squire Patton Boggs, aims to provide guidance to early-stage companies on the legal structuring and taxation of equity incentive plans in the UK.

In this workshop, they dove into how to set up in the UK, the fiscal and employment aspects of:

 🟢 Employee Stock Option Plans (ESOPs)

 🟢 Phantom Shares

 🟢 Restricted Stock Units (RSUs)

This content was originally shared in the Circular Community. You can watch the full video and download the slides by subscribing to our newsletter below.

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